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Expert Consultation:
2025 French AI Action Summit

What should the Summit achieve?

The upcoming AI Action Summit in Paris (February 2025) represents a critical opportunity for shaping the global dialogue on artificial intelligence. As global leaders from tech, government, and other sectors come together to shape the future, it will be vital that the summit's consequential discussions are grounded in diverse perspectives and scientific understanding. This consultation creates a space for experts from civil society and academia to contribute their visions for the AI Action Summit. This consultation is organized by The Future Society, in partnership with the French government, Sciences Po, the AI & Society Institute, le Conseil National du Numérique (CNNUm) and We are seeking your insights, in order to inform concrete deliverables and actionable proposals to support the Summit’s agenda-setting and outcomes.

Findings from this consultation will be:

Synthesized and presented to the Summit organizers throughout the event's preparation.
Presented to global leaders and policymakers before and during the Summit.
Made publicly available, enhancing the global conversation on AI governance.
While submissions are not official Summit outputs, they are integral to the multistakeholder process that can steer the future of AI governance in a positive direction.

Who can participate?

We welcome contributions from academic organizations, independent experts, think-tanks, and civil society organizations. We strongly encourage participation from diverse backgrounds, disciplines, and regions to ensure a comprehensive global perspective.

You can find more details on the consultation initiative on the website of the French AI Summit.

How to participate and spread the word

Feel free to contribute as much as you are willing and able to; you can skip any questions as necessary. 

Please provide your inputs with a focus on actionable goals for the 2025 French AI Action Summit, keeping in mind that the consultation seeks to gather ideas for concrete deliverables.

This survey will take between 10 minutes and 20 minutes to complete.

Participants are invited to contribute using their organizational affiliations as appropriate. Please note that for the final report and social media communication, we may include quotes from contributions that have associated organization names.


Early deadline for first presentation to the Summit’s organizers: October 2, 2024
Mid-consultation summary published on this page and sent to participants: October 2024
Final submission deadline: November 15, 2024 (midnight, Anywhere on Earth)
Findings presentation:
The full set of consultation contributions will be analyzed and will be presented to AI governance decision-makers on December 9 at the OECD headquarters in Paris and live streamed to the public online.
A report that summarizes the findings will subsequently be published online and through partner organizations, as well as shared with the organizers of the Summit.
AI Action Summit: February 10-11, 2025


Sciences Po: Constance de Leusse, Executive director, also affiliated to the AI & Society Institute, ENS PSL, [email protected]
The Future Society: Nicolas Moës, Executive Director, [email protected]
French Digital Council (CNNum): Jean Cattan, Secretary General, Conseil national du numérique, [email protected] Alexis Prokopiev, Directeur, Gouvernance et Innovation Démocratique,, [email protected], +33 (0) 6 13 49 53 84